Watch This With Rick Ramos

#418 - Melancholia - WatchThis W/RickRamos



Dance of Death: Lars Von Trier's Melancholia  Cinema is a strange and captivating artform. In many cases, understanding a filmmaker's intent is a hopeless effort. Lars Von Trier is a director whose filmography has captivated, confused, angered, and endeared itself to audiences. His critically-lauded 2011 film, Melancholia, would startle and fascinate audiences at The 64th Cannes Film Festival. The film itself would beguile audiences (awarding Best Female Pereformance to Kirsten Dunst and making the film a top contender for the Palme d'Or, but it was press conference in support of the film that would torpedoe it's chances at the Award. This week, Mr. Chavez & I discuss the controversy surrounding that press conference as well as our own contradictory attitudes regarding the film. This is an interesting film with a great deal to recomend. We discuss these positives and dive just as deeply into the negatives of the film's offerings. Take a listen and let us know what you think. Questions, Comments, Complaint