Angels Don't Lie With Jeanne Street

A sneak peak into the Angel Healer Mastery Program



I have two more virtual dates available for my Heaven Now: Group Angel and Medium Readings.  This is your chance to gain reassurance, healing vibrations and validation from your passed loved ones and Angels in Heaven. Experience the holy miracles that await you in Heaven’s Divine frequency.  Soak in the feeling of living in alignment and embrace all of the healing energy that is available to you.  Join me for Heaven Now: January 11th virtually. —- Welcome back to Angels Don’t Lie! What you are about to hear within this episode is a glimpse into my private year-long mediumship course, the Angel Healer Mastery.  The Angel Mastery is a supportive gathering of healers, mediums & the extra-sensory person who is seeking to work in alignment with God inside their practice to further develop their gifts with mediumship, channeling healing energy and delivering messages for others. This episode features an intimate conversation during one of our sessions where a member expressed he