Career Revolution With Dr. Ck Bray | A Place To Fix, Change Or Create Your Best Career

Episode 456 The Energy You Expend on the Road to Success



I have always admired people who deeply believe in themselves and take on courageous and amazing things. I used to think it was the courage part of the equation that was so admirable. I now understand it is the “taking the action” part of the equation that makes all the difference in who we become. The problem I had with “taking action” was I had a family, a job, volunteer work, and my church which takes up a lot of time and energy. I recently found an article by Cal Newport that changed my perspective. I discuss that article today and how often the news and magazines may not always be sharing the best ways to be successful. **Cal Newport’s article “On Michael Crichton’s Busy Ambition.” QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “Everybody is wired differently and has different ambition types. What type best matches you? You have to figure it out before success will begin to assert its force on your life.” “Is that car in the driveway worth having to work the extra hours?”