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JESUS - pt2 - Fully Man



In “JESUS – Fully Man” Rodney shares that Jesus is the God-man who came to earth to die for our sins, and to reveal God to us. Jesus had two natures. He was 100% God, and 100% man at the same time. In part 1 of this sermon series we focused primarily on the deity of Jesus. This message we will examine the importance of Jesus’ humanity. The apostle John wrote, “So the Word became human and made his home among us.” This is a simple but profound truth about the incarnation and birth of Jesus. The Old Testament predicted the arrival of God in the flesh. The scriptures reveal how Jesus was as human as you and me. Having a God who understands our weaknesses, disappointments, and weariness is comforting. But, Jesus did not come only come to know what we experience. God came in the form of man - Jesus Christ, in order to be the Savior of mankind. Jesus being “fully man” means He fulfilled the requirements to be an acceptable sacrifice and payment for our sin. Jesus is fully man – the Savior of the world.