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JESUS - pt3 - Savior



In “Savior”, Rodney shares that there is a great significance to the name of JESUS. Jesus is the centerpiece of the gospel message and Christmas story. According to historians, Jesus was a very common name among the Jewish people during first century Judea, at the time Jesus of the Bible lived. The meaning of the name Jesus is, “Yahweh saves” or “Yahweh is salvation”. The name Jesus was so common and is perfect for the uncommon God who chose to dwell closely with his people. This uncommon God, through JESUS, chose to do what no one else was capable of doing – “save his people from their sins.” Isaiah 53 describes Jesus, the Messiah, as the suffering servant who bore our sins. In retrospect, when Jesus see’s and reviews the suffering, humiliation, pain, and gruesome work of Jesus on the cross, He will be satisfied. It is finished. He will see the fruit of his labor. The church, his bride will be adorned in beauty and spend eternity with him heaven. He bore our sins and we bear them no more, and Jesus