
310 Chris Southcote - Oh, to be in the Netball Team



A coming of age tale, from junior school to a Catholic high school via more than a few netball courts.Following a very, very long corporate career, Chris Southcote burst onto the comedy scene in 2020. He has since bagged gigs throughout Australia; he was a grand finalist in Sydney’s Comedy on Edge 2021, Queensland Raw Semi-Finalist 2021 and the Sunny Coast Festivals Laughable Runner Up 2021. At an age where he could quite possibly be hitting “mid life crisis” territory, he comes armed with years of stories to share; with an edge of bitter and a splash of sarcasm, he’s just a grumpy old queen trying to make sense of the world. Aren’t we all, Chris, aren’t we all.Queerstories an award-winning LGBTQI+ storytelling project directed by Maeve Marsden, with regular events around Australia. For more information, visit www.queerstories.com.au and follow Queerstories on Facebook.The Queerstories book is published by Hachette Australia, and can be purchased from your favourite independent bookseller or on Booktopia