Watch This With Rick Ramos

#416 - Defining the 2010s - WatchThis W/RickRamos



Nothing Left to Say - Defining Films of the 2010s Nothing left to say, People . . . this week Mr. Chavez & I conclude our look into the Defining Films of Their Respective Decades. We started in the 1910s and here we are, one hundred years of Cinema later. It's been a fun time looking at some great films and a bunch of painful ones. The fact is that Cinema influences society, but also is a reflection of it. We're thrilled to have dedicated nearly a year to the art, power, and influence of The Movies. Take a listen to our opinions, ideas, and thoughts on This Final Decade. It's been a whole lot of fun. We hope you've enjoyed the ride and we hope this final chapter lives up to whatever expectations you have formed. Questions, Comments, Complaints, & Suggestions can be directed to Many Thanks.