Todd Sylvester Inspires Beliefcast

Roger Smith



Roger Smith, the author of The Most Unlikely Leader: An Unbelievable Journey From GED To CEO, was kicked out of high school multiple times and never graduated.  Roger was arrested several times, addicted to drugs, had several near-death experiences, was a thief, and eventually homeless.  His best friend was shot right next to him while pulling a robbery and he was destined for an early grave.  Now Roger can’t believe his life turned out as it did.    Roger is an American Author and former CEO of American Income Life Insurance, National Income Life Insurance, and Liberty National Life Insurance companies. His journey through life is one that truly embodies the fact that no matter how low you are in life you can always turn things around and become anything you set your mind to.   … #wedorecovery #recovered #overcome #addiction #clean #sober #recovery #addictionrecovery #faith #mindset #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #strong #love #light #inspiration #beliefcast #toddinspires #tsinspires   .... You can conne