The Science Of Social Media

Surviving the Holidays as a Small Business Owner



Today we'll be discussing how to set boundaries during the holiday season. The holidays are supposed to be a time for rest and relaxation, but for many small business owners, it can be a hectic and stressful time. We'll be sharing tips and strategies for setting boundaries with family, friends, and clients to ensure that you're able to enjoy the season while still taking care of your business. Tune in to learn how to make the most of the holiday season without burning out. I hope you enjoy the episode! We’re testing the waters to see if we can get this show back up and running, so make sure you give us a shout on social media if you want to hear more episodes.  As always we'd really appreciate a review and five stars on Apple Podcasts, Spotify (or wherever you listen to the show). - Phill Shownotes: Study: Individuals who work over 61 hours a week have an increased risk of developing high systolic blood pressure: