Ring Of Fire Radio With Sam Seder, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. And Mike Papantonio

Episode 594: The Myth of The Iron Dome



This week on Ring of Fire, Dr. Rhys Machold, lecturer at the University of Glasgow, joins me to break down the myth of Israel’s Iron Dome defense system, it’s efficacy, its roots in the US military industrial complex, and how it inflates the danger of Hamas projectiles. And Heather “Digby” Parton will join us to break down all the biggest headlines of the week. What your missing on the member show this week, Eric Cortellessa, he is an investigative reporter with Washington Monthly. We’ll discuss the burgeoning antitrust movement on the left and some hint of it on the right, which is scared some of the more main stream conservatives out there, and they have formed a group to push back on any chance of antitrust progress in this Biden administration.