

In this episode I'm asking you to get HONEST about the why, where, what, when, and how of your online presence. In Permission to Unplug [NE 007] I shared ahas from my social-media free weekends, and that was more about CONSUMPTION. In this ep we're talking more about creation. Behind the scenes I see so many biz owners questioning if they should take a break from the internet - step away for a little bit (for a baby, for a holiday, for ANY reason), feeling fear that they'll be forgotten if they honor that nudge. #spoileralert: there's no one right answer but this is YOUR LIFE and every day matters, so you gotta get clear on YOUR answer. In this thinking-out-loud solo ep, I talk about why I think *most autoresponders are unnecessary, why you don't need to apologize for shifting how and when you show up online, and how your truest dream clients + customers will love you even MORE for how you show up for yourself (because you're showing that it's possible for them too). I love this convo. If you decide you're no