

Since I am and work with a lot of humans who care about building businesses that fit into LIFE (vs. the other way around), this concept comes up a lot in conversations with my clients, my friends, mySELF. I'm anchoring this idea here so we have it when we’re feeling a bit aimless and sneaky, avoiding the work that we KNOW will lead to the results we deeply desire. It's time we talk profitable priorities. (*Profitable prios* for obnoxiously short. Check your local GIF library for stickers.) It’s not so much about the time we have in a given day. It’s not even just about the energy. It’s about confidently knowing that, even if we only have a teeny pocket of time to dedicate to moving our businesses forward in a given day, we're crystal clear on our personal paths to least resistance and the most profit (for ourselves, our teams, our fams, and our clients). This episode is a mini coworkshop -- I'm inviting you to do the work with me in real time: What specific action(s) led to you enrolling the last client you L