Walkner Condon Financial Advisors

The Next Generation of Financial Advisors: What Happens When Your Advisor Retires?



How old is your financial advisor? For many, the image that first comes to mind of a financial advisor is an older man. And there’s data to back that up. Around 40% of financial advisors are set to retire in the next 10 years, which will ultimately shake up the advising landscape. In this episode of Gimme Some Truth, we gathered our three youngest advisors at Walkner Condon – Alicia Vande Ven, Candidate for CFP® Certification, M.S.; Mitch DeWitt, CFP®, MBA; and Polly Price – to discuss the future of advising, a future they'll be a part of. Alica, Mitch, and Polly each draw on statistics they gathered related to the theme of the episode, opening up the floor to cover what that means for clients of financial advisors, the implications for the businesses of those retiring advisors, and more.  Questions about this topic or other things you'd like us to cover in future episodes? LINKS 40% of Advisory Assets to Transition in Next 10 Years: http://bit.ly/3Ey1GKq Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/sPPj