Love Wide Open With Heidi Dellaire

Dealing with Repetitive Negative Thoughts E134



Got repetitive thoughts? Congrats, you are a human being. We all do, but some have them much more to a negative degree.  What makes negative repetitive thoughts so challenging and hard to control is that they often stem from core self-beliefs, like, I won’t get what I want, the world is not trustworthy, and I’m not good enough. Repetitive thought loops are powerful and sticky because they are built out of these deep core beliefs. We often believe our repetitive thoughts, as if their persistence is somehow evidence of their truth when in actuality, we are just telling ourselves a story about these beliefs.   As a result, we are compulsively compelled to attach and engage with these false narratives.  In this episode, I discuss different coping strategies to deal with negative thoughts.  If you are looking for help in this arena, I am a mindfulness and meditation teacher along with being an emotional health coach. Every client I have helped has had some sort of negative thought pattern that