Love Your Story

Episode 232: Be an Encourager – Life Hack



Episode 232: Be an Encourager - Life HackWelcome to the LYS Podcast November is a set of 3 episodes called 15-minute life hacks. I’m calling the November nudges. Each episode is a quick reminder of a life tool to inspire and help you connect to the world around you as you create your best life story on purpose.Today is week 2 and we’re all about cheerleading. This life hack is about Being and Encourager and Jessica Burrell, owner of Life Amplified will be here for all 3 episodes.Come with me for a quickie. This one’s about lifting as we go.When I started my Next Level training - that was my emotional intelligence training back in 2016, I had no idea what it would entail. I was there because a friend suggested the training for my own personal growth. I’m not here today to list all the things I gained, but one of those things was a personal coach. My coaches, across my program, not only called me out on my fears and complaints, they not only answered my hard questions, they were also cheerleaders. When I s