Chats With Susan Burrell

Dream Big



Ep #207 - Dream Big - A Solo Episode with host Susan Burrell We are now in the month of November and the theme for this month is “Enlighten.” And as I began to record this episode another word popped up that is now also part of this show, and that word is “Envision.” And so, this show will focus on both of those themes. I always like to look up the definition of the words I choose to focus on – it helps me to see more of what lies within the word. To enlighten means to give intellectual or spiritual light to – in other words, to shed light on. And to Envision means, to imagine or visualize a future possibility. This episode explores how we can seek or look inside ourselves in order to become enlightened. I believe we can only reach an enlightened state by opening up our hearts and listening to what needs to be heard. I feel we are not meant to seek answers outside of ourselves but rather go within to listen to our own wisdom. When we do that we become enlightened beings and that is when others sync up with u