Indefensible Ink

Uncanny X-Men: The Draco



Hey, remember that time Nightcrawler's dad showed up and claimed to be the Biblical Satan? And this dude Azazel claimed that Nightcrawler is descended from a line of demon-like mutants and the Angel is descended from a line of angelic ones? In this episode, Ryan and Justin lead you through "The Draco," a six-issue Uncanny X-Men arc by Chuck Austen, Philip Tan, et al.  Also covered in this episode: a game of "Fill in Your Own X-Jet," how to distinguish the difference between anti-mutant bigotry and a sensible fear of men with terrifying metal skull masks, Alpha Flight's absolute garbage armor, super-social scientists, and the complications of categorizing the various demons and devils of the Marvel Universe. Discussed: Uncanny X-Men (vol. 1) #429-434 (2003)