Indefensible Ink

Brother from Another Podcast #2: Let's Rap About Cap!



Ryan is taking August off, so Justin has invited his brother, Zach, on the show once more to discuss comics from the point of view of a slightly more casual fan. In this episode, the topic turns to Captain America. Zach has never read a single Cap solo comic, and yet he's his favorite character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Is it all down to the magic of Chris Evans, or is there more to it? In addition to talking through their favorite Steve Rogers bits in the MCU, they'll try to figure out which superheroes are Dads and which ones are Older Brothers, why Earth's Mightiest Heroes might better be called the Super Friends, and the REAL difference between the metropolitan destruction sequences in The Avengers and Man of Steel. Plus: Justin renews his grudge against Mark Millar and discusses how his series The Ultimates provided a blueprint for the MCU...that Joss Whedon threw out almost immediately. SPOILERS for pretty much every MCU movie ever, but you probably could have guessed that.