Breaking Through With Kristin Rowe-finkbeiner (powered By Momsrising)

#RestoreRoe, #RaiseTheWage, #MomsArePowerful, and #StopAAPIHate (Make a plan to vote on — or before — November 8th!)



On the radio show this week we cover how (and why) to #RestoreRoe; where one fair wage & raising the minimum wage is on the ballot on the ways you can help; hear about a terrific new book, Essential Labor: Mothering as Social Change; and we also cover the new report,The Blame Game: How Political Rhetoric Inflames Anti-Asian Scapegoating.   *Special guests include: Kelley Robinson, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, @PPact; Saru Jayaraman, One Fair Wage, @onefairwage; Angela Garbes, award-winning author of Like a Mother and also Essential Labor: Mothering as Social Change, @agarbes; and Cynthia Choi, Chinese for Affirmative Action, @CAAsanfrancisco