Sales Gravy: Jeb Blount

The Work Compression Model & Trading Productivity for Time



They say you can't make more time. On this episode of the Sales Gravy Podcast, I challenge you to consider how you can make more time through improvements in sales productivity and reinventing the way that you work. I want you to take a moment and think back to the early days of the pandemic. You were likely working at home because everything was locked down.  Then fast forward a couple of months to the summer of 2020. Sales teams were hitting all time records. Many individual sales professionals were selling more and earning more than ever before.  The secret to their success? They were suddenly more productive. Sellers were getting more done, in less time, with better outcomes because all of the distractions that typically took them away from high impact sales activities were gone.  The Three Choices Each moment of your sales day you make one of three choices about time. You can do: Trivial things like watch cat videos.  Important things like entering data into the CRM or responding to e-mail.