Victory Fellowship Church Podcast

Eat Your Veggies, Part 1: Read the Bible // Jamie Nunnally



What is the Bible? 1. The Bible is not a book, but a collection of 66 books. (anthology) It was written by 40 authors in three languages, on three continents, over 1500 years.  2. The Bible is the story of God’s interaction with humanity.  3. The Bible is the word of God. The word “word” means the expression or communication of God. There are multiple ways God communicates: the written word (the bible), the spoken word (the holy Spirit), and the living word (Jesus).  4. The Bible is useful for spiritual growth.  5. The Bible contains information that is meant to be applied.  6. The Bible serves as an anchor for doctrine. 7. The Bible is the treasure map, Jesus is the treasure.  Practical tips for reading the Bible: 1. Choose a specific time and place. 2. Use multiple translations and tools. (NKJV, NLT, ESV, AMP, Message, Passion) 3. Utilize the YouVersion Bible app and their plans. (it will read to you!) 4. Be aware of what you’re reading. OT v NT. Who wrote it, who was it written to, why was it written? (Foc