Flixwatcher: A Netflix Film Review Podcast

Episode #010 ARQ w/ The Cinemile and Shitegeist



  Set in a dystopian future (never, never utopian!) where there are no apples and only the bad guys have shoes, Renton (no not that Renton) a well groomed engineer/underwear model is stuck in a Groundhog Dog style loop which has something (or nothing) in connection with a mysterious energy source. Neither taut nor thrilling this sci-fi misfire had some interesting ideas but was let down by the cheap sets, unconvincing acting, incoherent plot and unintentional moments of comedy. Despite its short running time of 89 minute the film was a bit of a slog for all to watch and reminded everyone of much better time looping films than this (Groundhog Day, Source Code, Edge of Tomorrow). There was so, so much love for the far superior Edge of Tomorrow from everyone, maybe watch that instead (crosses fingers Netflix will have it soon...) Scores [supsystic-tables id='11'] Arq scored 1.9 overall and this was largely due to the fact that we all agreed it will look and experience would be a lot better in the cinema. It,