Flixwatcher: A Netflix Film Review Podcast

Ep #161 Christine with Tom Crowley from Wooden Overcoats and Crowley Time and Felix Trench also from Wooden Overcoats and Quid Pro Euro.



Tom Crowley (Wooden Overcoats and Crowley Time) and Felix Trench (Wooden Overcoats and Quid Pro Euro) return to Flixwatcher to review Tom’s choice Christine.   Christine is a 1983 supernatural horror film directed by John Carpenter based on the Stephen King novel of the same name. A study of toxic masculinity of 1970s men seen through their love of their cars. The car in this film happens to be a living evil car - and the car is a woman. In the hands of Carpenter (a trashy companion to Stanley Kubrick) Christine mixes high school tropes with amazing special effects and car animatronics with a killer (sorry) soundtrack. The self-repair scene in particular is worth the one hour 50 minutes run time alone.   Scores [supsystic-tables id=168] For a horror fan, you get two car-based deaths in the opening scenes - even if the rest of the film is quite low on gore and shocks. With a run time of nearly two hours, Christine could either be pacier or have more character development. Christine scores generally well ac