Flixwatcher: A Netflix Film Review Podcast

Ep #163 The Invitation with Mike Muncer from The Evolution of Horror and Anna Bogutskaya from The Final Girls and The Next Supremes.



Mike Muncer (The Evolution of Horror) and Anna Bogutskaya (The Final Girls and The Next Supremes) return to Flixwatcher remotely to review Mike’s choice The Invitation.   The Invitation is a 2015 horror film directed by Karyn Kusama starring Logan (discount Tom Hardy) Marshall-Green as Will and Tammy Blanchard as Eden playing ex-husband and wife. The less you know about The Invitation if you haven’t seen it before the better. This sinister slow burn revolves around a dinner party hosted by Eden in a swanky Hollywood Hills home with unusual home security features. The guests include Will, his new girlfriend, freaky hippy Sadie, old friends, and guests who may or may not be members of a strange cult. Will’s evening starts badly when his car hits a coyote and everything goes downhill from there. Through flashbacks, the viewer pieces together that Will and Eden had a son who died and Eden attempted suicide. Grief and sadness battle with creepiness throughout the film creating an uneasy tension. Full of Manson vi