Flixwatcher: A Netflix Film Review Podcast

Ep # 175 The Big Lebowski with Giles Paley-Phillips and Jim Daly from Blank Podcast



Giles Paley-Phillips and Jim Daly from Blank Podcast join Flixwatcher remotely to review Giles’ choice The Big Lebowski.   The Big Lebowski is the 1998 comedy from the Coen Brothers starring Jeff Bridges as The Dude (Jeff Lebowski), John Goodman as unhinged Vietnam Vet Walter, Steve Buscemi as their bowling pal Donny who end up embroiled in a case of stolen rugs and mistaken identity with another Jeff Lebowski, his trophy wife Bunny (Tara Reid), his daughter Maude (an outstanding Julianne Moore) and three German nihilists (including Peter Stormare, Aimme Mann, and Flea) - narrated by Sam Elliot. The plot, loosely, is centered around a fake kidnapping of Bunny where The Dude ends up being the go-between for Jeff Lebowski and the German nihilists. A series of events leads to the ransom money being lost, some bowling, loads of weed and White Russians, a severed toe, nude painting, a marmot, and an erection doodle. Completely bonkers yet enduring, mainly in part to Bridges Dude, a man, who despite repeated beati