Flixwatcher: A Netflix Film Review Podcast

Ep #184 Kiki's Delivery Service with Rachael and Faye from Her Dark Materials Podcast.



Rachael and Faye from Her Dark Materials return to Flixwatcher remotely to review Rachael’s choice Kikis’ Delivery Service.   Kiki’s Delivery Service is a 1989 Studio Ghibli animated film, written, produced, and directed by Hayao Miyazaki. It tells the story of a young witch, Kiki, who moves to a new town to find herself and master her witchery. With her cat Jiji, she starts helping out at a bakery, using her flying skills to deliver special packages. Beware of watching Kiki’s Delivery Service on Netflix - the original subtitled version is much better than the sub-par subbed Disney version. The original version has some wonderful Japanese pop from Yumi Matsutoya and the voicing of Jiji affects the tone and actions so much that it changes the character completely. Kiki’s Delivery Service is rare for an animated children film in that the primary goal isn’t to meet a prince or boy and be married - it’s all about her finding herself and honing her skills so she can become the best version of herself. Tombo is me