Flixwatcher: A Netflix Film Review Podcast

Episode # 247 The Tinder Swindler with Kelechi Ehenulo and Steven Geekface from So Geeked About Movies and Confessions From A Geek Mind



Kelechi Ehenulo (Confessions From A Geek Mind, Film Stories, VultureHound Magazine) and Steven Geekface (So Geeked About Movies) join Flixwatcher remotely to review The Tindler Swinder. The Tinder Swindler is a 2022 Netflix true-crime documentary that tells the story of the Israeli conman Simon Leviev who used the dating app Tinder to emotionally manipulate a number of women into funding his lavish lifestyle. Between 2017 and 2019 he allegedly conned an estimated $10 million from victims across Europe. He presented himself as the son of Russian-Israeli diamond mogul Lev Leviev - by photoshopping himself into family photos. Using Tinder he would meet women in hotels and show them private jets (which were funded by other women) and once he had established a relationship begin asking them for money to protect him from his “enemies”. Some of the moments in The Tinder Swindler are genuinely draw-dropping - the reveal that one of his victims took out close to $250,000 in loans is equally shocking as it is devastati