Worst Gig Ever With Geoff Garlock And Mike Pace

Jason Hamacher (Frodus, Decahedron, Regents)



"The kids will have their say" when Jason Hamacher (drummer of Frodus/Decahedron/Combatwoundedveteran/Regents/Battery) shows up "at the Wilson Center" with a literal suitcase full of super-memorable worst gigs.  From infiltrating Latino biker gangs in Montana to playing high school graduations in Nebraska to gutting skinheads in DC to what lead to the break-up of Frodus, Jason delivers the goods.  Not content with a buttload of killer 90's punk/hc tales?  We also discuss Jason's time in Syria and his work documentating ancient religious prayers and songs.  If you're not now you never were on this week's WORST GIG EVER!