Roger Thrower Podcast

Our Treasure



Treasure - the place in which good and precious things are collected and laid up HERE ARE A FEW TREASURES LAID UP FOR US Because I am made in God’s image, I am valuable and worthy of dignity and respect (and all people are.) Because I am forgiven in Christ, I am no longer a slave to guilt and shame. Because I have been justified and redeemed in Christ, I don’t have to earn God’s love – I am enough Because I am perfectly loved, I don’t have to look to the approval of others to find significance. LET ME DECLARE TO YOU A WORD I RECEIVED FROM THE LORD THURSDAY EVENING. OPEN THE BOOK AND RETURN TO THE PAGES AND I HAVE REVELATION TO SPEAK TO YOU. I WILL MAKE A RIVER FLOW INTO YOUR DRY PLACES AND ALL THE STRONGHOLDS WILL BE WASHED AWAY LIKE SAND CASTLES FOR THEY ARE BUT SAND TO ME. LISTEN FOR MY VOICE AND RESPOND. THE LORD PASSIONATELY LOVES YOU AND WANTS YOU TO LIVE IN THE FULLNESS OF HIS LOVE 1 Peter 1:8-9 You love him passionately although you have not seen him, but through believing in him you are satu