The Travelers

23: Aspire to Travel with Regina Busse



It was over egg rolls and stir fry, when her Aunt Judy unexpectedly shared her travel stories with her teenage niece. Captivated and enthralled by her aunt's own personal legend, Regina Busse knew instantly that she wanted the same, to be more adventurous and have these stories of her own to share, just like her aunt. "The life she had lead and continued to lead sparked a fire inside me," says Regina. And so a 16-year old midwestern girl from Omaha, a small city in the heart of the state of Nebraska, planned a one month trip to Australia and bought that ticket. One month turned into a year, and Reggie turned into an explorer of an amazing world. Nine years later, she's still on the road. This transformation was so profound, she's now compelled to help others experience the same, to inspire those who aren't seeing the world to aspire to do so, to incorporate a love of travel into their lives, and promote the encouragement to do so within society. Let Reggie's message entrance you and her passion for inspiring