The Travelers

51: Don’t Wait to Travel, Go Now says Christopher Elliott



Today’s guest is on an open-ended trip around the world with his family and covering his adventures on National Geographic and The Huffington Post. Back in 1994, he founded the internet’s first business travel website, and in 1996, he started blogging before it was even called blogging. He became's first travel columnist in 1997, when he founded his consumer advocacy company to empower travelers to solve their service problems. His writing has been published by National Geographic Traveler, USA Today, Washington post, NPR, and many other massive publications. Most recently, he’s the author of a book called How to Be the World's Smartest Traveler (and Save Time, Money, and Hassle)and author of The Travel Troubleshooter, a weekly Q&A syndicated on National Geographic. Subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Soundcloud or TuneIn Explorer Quote: "You have to travel now while you still can because when you're 65 you might not be able to... don't wait, go now. Get lost!" What We Cover: Why you shouldn’