The Travelers

52: 8 Years of Nonstop Travel with Craig Martin



Craig Martin and his wife Linda graduated school in 2006 and both had the idea to leave and teach English in foreign countries. Along the way, they started the Indie Travel Podcast before anyone knew what podcasts were. 8 years later, they haven't stopped and today, while she continues to teach, he runs a travel media company, Indie Travel Media - which does hosting, management, and production for companies, mainly travel brands. Subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Soundcloud or TuneIn Explorer Quote: “The world is a big and crazy place and its easy to get addicted to the new. If you do that, then you'll never cease traveling.” What We Cover: How they created a life of travel for themselves Who are the Galician people, and why they had such an unique effect on Craig Craig's best travel advice Craig's Best Travel Advice: The First Step: You've just got to go. Money Saving Tip: For flights, once you find your flight, call up a local travel agent and ask them if they can beat it. For accommodation, conside