The Travelers

66: A Family Life of Travel with David & Carrie McKeegan



David McKeegan, and his wife Carrie, are both from New York — but for the past 12 years, they’ve been traveling the road, starting a family, running a tax preparation business for ex-pat entrepreneurs, and not letting that hold them back from seeing the things they want to see, doing the things they want to do, and living the life they once dreamed of living. They got their start in Europe before taking the plunge to go nomadic - and clearly they prove the point that a life of travel can extend beyond your twenties, your single years, and even after you have kids. I can’t wait to share their story, and how they manage all the complexities of the road in a way that hasn’t deterred them from perpetual travel as a family. Subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Soundcloud or TuneIn What We Cover: How having a family inspired them to build a life of travel. How they were able to take the plunge to leave a successful career in Finance to create a life of nomadic travel. And why a month of travel, which they’re affo