The Travelers

200: Finding the Right Life with Lisa Eldridge



“I remember thinking, ‘What am I doing?’ I had a great husband, I had a great house, I had all this safety — this big safety net — and I’ve just taken myself out of it. Am I doing the right thing? What is this going to lead to? It was really difficult. And there were moments on the road when I was just distraught and confused but I think once you take that giant leap of faith, the only way is forward. And it’s only natural to want to go back to something that’s really safe. To go back to your old life but if you just keep going forward, then you learn to trust, in whatever it is you learn to trust in. For me, it’s the universe. I trusted that everything will be okay. And since then doors have opened. I don’t regret that at all. I’m definitely living the right life for me now.” Lisa Eldridge is an author and journalist, whose works been published by Insight Guides, Sunday Times Travel, and Real Travel magazine. With a background in the travel industry, she set out at twenty one to live and work in numerous cou