The Travelers

205: Being the Most Traveled Person with Mike Spencer Bown



"Good people greatly outnumber nasty people, worldwide. There is a network that existed long before facebook, and it is the network of persons of good will, who will introduce and pass you to other persons of good will, such that you can take a friendly look around a town, a nation or the world, as you like. There is no similar network among nasty people, they are on their own, and if you know what is good for you, leave them alone." – Mike Spencer Bown 23 years of adventures spent wandering the world has led Michael Bown to visiting every country and every region on Earth, from war-torn Mogadishu to living with pygmies in the Congo, all of this giving him credence to lay claim to the title of the world’s most travelled person in human history. This is not simple. Hitchhiking, multiple arrests in foreign countries, multiple bouts of malaria. But that’s the point. It’s the willingness to endure challenge, and the kindness of the strangest of strangers that delivers the story we’re looking for. And today we get