Love Wide Open With Heidi Dellaire

E102 The Many Faces of Trauma



In this episode, I discuss four of the many types of trauma. Emotional trauma can cause a sense of hopelessness, edginess,  anxiety, an inability to sleep or to focus, and may lead to a pattern of self-neglect.  Many of us experience symptoms of trauma but have no specific traumatic event to connect these feelings of anxiety or depression, which often causes feelings of confusion or guilt.  You may find yourself thinking others are worse off or have been through something more injurious than you.  You may even think you don’t have a right to be unhappy.  This is simply untrue, trauma is experienced in many forms. There are times when we don’t even know that an event has been traumatic to us. If you are struggling with anxiety and overwhelm from the effects of multiple toxic relationships, I invite you to sign up for a Heal Your Story Strategy Session at or listen to more episodes of the podcast.  There are many resources for healing on https