Love Wide Open With Heidi Dellaire

E107 Tim's Story: Perfectionism, People-Pleasing, Codependency and Anger



This is a client story of how childhood trauma led to a life of perfectionism, people-pleasing, codependency and what started to come up more and more...anger.  Give a listen to how our trauma responses can serve us as protection and control early in life but as we move into adulthood, they become the things that hold us back from healing, connection to ourselves and connection to others. These trauma responses often lead to trapped emotions or trapped physical pain that can't be released due to an unregulated nervous system. Instead, we manifest feelings of dis-ease either emotional or physically.  If you connect with Tim's story or the general premise of this episode, I invite you to join my free Heal Your Story Discussion Group on FB. You can find it connected to my Heidi Dellaire or Love Wide Open Facebook pages. You can also connect on FB to watch the upcoming Heal Your Story Conversations and they will also be on YouTube.  You can find all links here: &nb