Love Wide Open With Heidi Dellaire

E110 It Takes Courage To Be Vulnerable



In this episode, I discuss a moment I had with my Heal Your Story Facebook Discussion Group about my own struggle with being vulnerable over the last 30 days. I was having trouble showing up for the group in the way I wanted because I had some medical issues. I decided to just be vulnerable in the group and tell them what was going on.  I go on to talk about the many benefits of being vulnerable and why it is so hard for us to do because it almost gives us this sense of not being perfect when we show up with the courage to be vulnerable.  If you can be vulnerable, it means that you accept yourself and don’t feel the need to hide yourself from everyone else. Let me know your thoughts either via email or you can Direct Message me on Instagram @heididellaire FB Group You can find all of my other social media links here  or just go to