Love Wide Open With Heidi Dellaire

E118 Stop Trying To Please People



“Lean too much on other people’s approval and it becomes a bed of thorns.” ~Tehyi Hsieh Trying to please everyone all of the time is a disease. Learning to be an authentic you, to say no, and to stand up for yourself is the only cure for people-pleasing. Start today and stop the never-ending people-pleasing. Gently and with kindness, tell just one person "no". Start with that little bit of empowerment.   Not everyone will love or even like the real you. But you know what, that’s okay. You can cope; you are way stronger than you think you are. When you stop seeking the approval of other people, you’ll find that you never really needed it in the first place. All you needed was your own approval.  In the episode, I spoke of meditation and affirmations. Look at Episode 104:  Manifest My Dreams Affirmation, Episode 109: Breath in Calm, Breath Out Anxiety Affirmation and Episode 93 for the Heart Ssace Gratitude Meditation.  You can also find the Heart Space Gratitude Guided Meditation on my Heal