Punch Drunk Podcast

Punch Drunk Critics Live! Ep. 72: Saw 3D; Our favorite Halloween flicks



It's Halloween again! And nothing says Halloween like jack-o-lanterns, chicks in slutty costumes, candy corn induced tummy aches, and of course another visit from the Jigsaw Killer! Yep, he's back for his greatest(and final?) and final test. Does Saw 3D go out with a bang? Or a thud. Plus I'll take a few minutes to wrap up the final film in the popular Millennium trilogy, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest! Plus, we'll be joined by our good friend Josh Hylton of the "Kevin and Josh Movie Show" to talk about our favorite Halloween flicks! All this plus the news and next week's DVD releases. Hey, y'never know who else might show up! Feel free to call in with your favorite Halloween horror flicks as well!