Punch Drunk Podcast

The WAFCA Awards on Punch Drunk Critics Live! Ep. 77: Black Swan; The Warrior's Way



Oscar Schmoscar. What is anybody gonna do with a Golden Globe, anyway? Don't even get me started on the Indie Spirit. Sounds like a deoderant. The only awards that matter are here are the WAFCA Awards, courtesy of the very best film critics in the Washington DC Area. In preparation for Monday morning's huge announcement of our WAFCA Award winners, we'll be joined by two Keeping It Reel's Tim Gordon, as well as Comcast.net's Rebecca Cusey to talk about the event and our personal nominees for the best movies of the year. If we're lucky, we'll get them to stick around and help us deciper the latest film from Darren Aronofsky, Black Swan, starring Natalie Portman. Plus, even though the studio didn't want us to screen it(must've been scared of something), we'll have a review of ninja slash-a-thon, The Warrior's Way, starring Geoffrey Rush and Kate Bosworth! All this plus the news and DVD releases for the week. It's gonna be a jam packed show, so we hope you'll join us!