Chats With Susan Burrell

Communion With Your Soul



Ep # 204 - Communion With Your Soul - An interview with author, Dr. Rima Bonario I am so energetically amped about this episode with my amazing guest, Rima Bonario who has written a book called The Seven Queendoms. As I dived into this empowering chat with Rima, I felt called to open this episode with the following poem which is nestled within the pages of her book.  So here goes. This is so powerful, so much so, that it made me cry as I recited it. “I ask you sisters; will you die dispossessed of your body? Will you abdicate the throne of your heart? Will you hide from the wisdom of your soul? No Lovely, you will not. You will rise. You will find and reclaim your wild, wise, sexy, smart, sovereign self. Take the hand of your sisters and rise. We will not cut ourselves into a thousand pieces to try and take up less room or fit in the space we have been told is ours. This is our life. This is our castle and it longs for our Queen to come home. To awaken. To sit down. To be here now. To lead and to love. Heed t