What Got You There With Sean Delaney

#316 Brad Slingerlend- Co-Founder of NZS Capital on Making Decisions in a Complex World



Watch on YouTube In this Podcast Episode, I sat down with Brad Slingerlend. He is the Co-founder and investor at NZS Capital, LLC NZS Capital, LLC is a Denver, Colorado-based investment company focused on adaptable, innovative businesses that work toward maximizing non-zero-sum (NZS, or win-win) outcomes for their investors, customers, employees, society, and the global environment. Prior to that Brad was the portfolio manager of the Janus Henderson Global Technology and Innovation Strategies (ticker: JAGTX) from May 2011 to November 2018.  This conversation explores  ⚡️Decision making in a complex world  ⚡️How studying ants and biology has improved Brad's investing ability. ⚡️How to develop high performing teams  NZS White Papers Mentioned  https://www.nzscapital.com/news/complexity https://www.nzscapital.com/news/time-travel   You Unleashed Course  50% off You Unleashed is an online personal development course created by Sean DeLaney after spending years working with an interviewing high achievers.The onli