In Between The Pages With James Lott Jr.

In Between the Pages with JLJ : A Quilt For David with Author/Poet Steven Reigns



In a small conservative Florida town in the 1980s, eight patients alleged that Dr. David Acer, their dentist, infected them with HIV. David’s gayness, along with his sickly appearance from his own AIDS-related illness, made him the perfect scapegoat and victim of mob mentality. In these early years of the AIDS epidemic, when transmission was little understood, and homophobia rampant, people like David were villainized. Accuser Kimberly Bergalis landed a People magazine cover story, while others went on talk shows and made front page news.With a poet’s eulogistic and psychological intensity, Steven Reigns recovers the life and death of this man who also stands in for so many lives destroyed not only by HIV, but a diseased society that used stigma against the most vulnerable. It’s impossible not to make connections between this story and how the twenty- first century pandemic has also been defined by medical misinformation and cultural bias.Inspired by years of investigative research into the lives of David and