Victory Fellowship Church Podcast

What Kind of Christian Are You? Pt:3 Committed Christians // Jamie Nunnally



Are you a committed Christian? Great! But, is that all God wants from you? In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares how we can move past commitment into intimacy with God. What is a Christian? A Christian is a person whose belief in Jesus causes them to follow Him, cultivate a relationship with Him, and apply His teaching to their life until they begin to look like Jesus. Review:Casual Christians: the goal for a Casual Christian is spiritual moderation, while the goal for a Captivated Christian is spiritual dedication. Casual Christians are Christians by culture, Captivated Christians are Christians by choice.  Carnal Christians: A carnal Christian is a believer who is still dominated by their old sinful, fleshly nature instead of their new spiritual, holy nature. Carnal Christians are immature Christians who live according to their carnal, natural mind instead of their new spiritual mind.   What is a Committed Christian?A committed Christian is a believer who has decided to follow Jesus, and is loyal to