Love Wide Open With Heidi Dellaire

Ep 57 Positive Self-Talk: Daily Positive Affirmations



Words have power. We can either use negative words or positive words. Negative words hold us back. Positive words propel us forward. The language we use with ourselves internally and with the world at large have a major impact on who we become. They can keep us struggling or they can empower us to strive for high achievement and a better life for ourselves and the world. There is power in getting into a routine or habit of positive self-talk.  Let me know what your words of positivity are going to be for yourself. If you would like to work with me, I can be reached at or Don't forget to subscribe or follow the podcast on whatever channel you are listening so that you don't miss another episode.  Want to Attract more Positivity in your life? Check out my mini-course Attracting Positivity through Gratitude and Appreciation.  I love this mini-course and you get to chat with me inside the course. ---