Kay & Olu: Vision Guided Life

Intro to book The Vision Guided Life -- Kay & Olu Taiwo



Buy book (The Vision Guided Life): https://www.amazon.com/Vision-Guided-Life-Strategy-Fulfilling/dp/0967657288/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1460657249&sr=8-1&keywords=vision+guided+life&pldnSite=1Vision Decoded and Made Simple! The Vision Guided Life is the way every change agent touches his or her generation. To live any other way is to live beneath your full potential. To accomplish your destiny, you need insight. This insight is the basis for all worthwhile endeavors. This book was written for those who want to live at their maximum God-given potential. How does your future look? Your insight determines your future. If your vision is limited, you will accomplish very little with your purpose. Vision is God’s redemptive revelation. Vision applies to the individual, family, business, Church and a nation. To lack vision, is to lack a future. In this book you will discover: • How to accurately define vision • How to grasp God’s vision for your life • How to write and state your life’s mission • Misco