Stamats Insights

The Difference Between LinkedIn Company Pages and Groups



With over 260 million active users every month, brands of all shapes and sizes have no excuse for ignoring the professional social platform LinkedIn. That being said, it's important to understand the different means of engagement that LinkedIn offers. Whether just starting out or a power-user, one key area seems to mystify many on LinkedIn; pages versus groups. Choosing the right one for your brand can mean all the difference for growing followers. I'm Michael Leonard. This is Stamats Insights. LinkedIn currently hosts over 26 million companies, and many of them no doubt asked the same question we're about to when first creating their company presence. "Should we choose a page or set up a group?" This might sound easy but I've spent enough time and seen enough examples during my stay on LinkedIn to know that it's not. So, which is it? It's important to understand the purpose of each choice. Groups are meant to serve as a public forum. Anyone can request to join a group and, once approved, can post anything th