Just Whatever W/ Jamie & Caleb

12: Student Loans and You!



Do you have crippling student loan debt? Do you cry at night because you irresponsibly took out student loans when you were 18 because everyone told you to? Do you wish there was a magic solution to fix this? Then you're not alone! In this episode we: -Complain about student loans! (Are you surprised?) -Talk about financial literacy (whatever that is...). -Make fun of Jeff Bezos (@jeffbezos is worth 151 BILLION dollars). -Let out our secret about this podcast being an ASMR podcast. -Talk about how Jamie got roped into $78,000 in student loans. -Read student loan statistics and react to these shocking numbers. -Discuss how awful the "solution" of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness is for helping people pay their loans. -Learn about and talk about what other countries are doing about student loans and higher education. -Connect the student loan crisis to the other problems in our country. -Express extreme disdain for Betsy DeVos (current Secretary of Education who you can troll on twitter li