Low Frequency

Episode 246 - Fernie (Vinyl Only)



This week we welcome Fernie. Fernie is a Glasgow based music creator and owner of Space Textures. Space Textures is a Glasgow based record label delivering deep and atmospheric techno in digital and vinyl mediums. Fernie also is coordinator of the great Monument podcast. Monument is connecting people through techno music. At Monument they love the combination of music and people and is their inspiration to design unique experiences where people can break free from everyday life. We have the same philosophy, and that's why Fernie is the perfect guest on the show. Fernie made an exclusive Vinyl only set for us. I am thrilled to share this amazing set with you. http://www.lowfrequencypodcast.net https://www.facebook.com/lowfrequencypodcast https://soundcloud.com/ferniemusic https://soundcloud.com/spacetextures https://soundcloud.com/monument-podcast https://www.facebook.com/Ferniemusicuk/